Lampă solară - efect ratan, maro - alb rece - 7 x 7 x 28 (+12) cm


Lampă solară - efect ratan, maro - alb rece - 7 x 7 x 28 (+12) cm

Supplier stock
Delivery est.: 3-5 days
3184 Lei
Fast delivery throughout the country
Certified quality
Free technical consultation
Various payment methods
Return produced in 14 of days from the invoice date
Product code: GLOF11727
EAN code: 5999117195578
The price includes the green stamp tax

Transformă-ți grădina și curtea cu acestdecor solar cu două funcții!

Lumina albă oferă o experiență vizuală deosebită. Se poate folosi ca decor și sursă de iluminare.

Țărușul îți permite să o poziționezi rapid și ușor. Atunci când se întunecă, lumina se aprinde automat și se stinge la răsăritul soarelui. În timpul zilei, celulele solare transformă energia solară în electricitate și o stochează în baterie.

Culoarea maro și efectul de ratan conferă lămpii un aspect superb. Perete lateral gros, durabil.

Produsul se armonizează bine cu produsele noastre 11535, 11482A.

  • Fără fir
  • Carcasă rezistentă la apă
  • Ușor de asamblat și de folosit
  • Cu comutator ON/OFF
  • Luminile se aprind automat la amurg
  • Rezistă mult timp datorită bateriilor reîncărcabile durabile 
  • Număr LED-uri: 1
  • Culoare LED: alb rece
  • Panou solar: 40 x 40 mm, 2 V, 30 mA
  • Sursa de alimentare: baterie AAA 100 mAh Ni-MH
  • Capacitate baterie: 600 mAh
  • Timp de încărcare: 8 ore
  • Timp de funcționare: 6 până la 8 ore
  • Dimensiune lampă (inclusiv țăruș):7 x 7 x 28 (+12) cm
  • Țăruș: 12 cm
  • Material: plastic, ratan
  • Culoare: maro
  • Grosimea peretelui: 4mm
  • Greutate: ~ 275 g

How do I pay:

You have several payment methods for products ordered on Cridem:

Cash payment in store

Cash on delivery payment by courier

Online payment by bank card (through the platform)

Payment by bank transfer

Cash payment

Cash payment is made in the store, in lei, in full, when picking up the products from the Cridem headquarters.

Cash on delivery

Refund payment is made in the case of home deliveries, and is made to the transport agent and courier, after the delivery of the products.

Online card payment

Online payment with your personal or company bank card can be made in maximum security. Cards accepted for payment are those issued under the logos VISA (Classic and Electron), MASTERCARD.

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For the correct completion of the transaction, the data necessary to authorize the transaction must be entered in the payment platform. Cridem does not request or store any details regarding the card used in online transactions.

Payment by bank transfer

Payment by bank transfer involves a financial transaction from the buyer's account to the seller's account. To make the payment, you must enter the beneficiary's IBAN code (Cridem) and ensure that there are sufficient funds in your account.


Order delivery:

The delivery of orders made on our webshop can be done through several courier companies, and their list will be visible during the process of placing the order. Transport charges are calculated at the time of order completion and so you will be able to see exactly what costs additional charges will be for parcel transport. Transport prices are calculated based on the distance traveled and the weight of the packages to be delivered.

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