

This warranty certificate ensures that the product mentioned above is free from material and manufacturing defects under normal use and service conditions.

In accordance with the legislation in Romania, this warranty certificate confirms the buyer's right to have the purchased product's defects repaired within the warranty period mentioned above.


1. Warranty Period

  • For individual customers, the warranty is granted for a minimum period of 24 months from the date of purchase, in accordance with Government Ordinance No. 21/1992 on consumer protection and Law No. 449/2003 on the sale of products and associated warranties.

  • For legal entities, the warranty period is established according to the commercial contract and may vary depending on the manufacturer. In this case, a warranty period of at least 6 months from the date of purchase is granted.

2. Warranty Coverage

The warranty covers manufacturing defects and material nonconformities found under normal usage conditions, including:

  • Manufacturing defects;

  • Issues caused by hidden defects;

  • Improper functioning under the recommended usage conditions specified by the manufacturer.

3. Warranty Exclusions

The warranty does not cover:

  • Defects caused by improper use, incorrect handling, or inadequate maintenance;

  • Damage caused by external factors (mechanical shocks, fire, flooding, exposure to chemicals, etc.);

  • Unauthorized interventions or modifications made to the product by third parties;

  • Normal wear and tear of the product.

  • Consumable parts (e.g., batteries, filters) that naturally wear out over time.

4. Warranty Claim Procedure

If a defect occurs within the warranty period, the beneficiary must follow these steps:

  1. Contact the seller or the authorized service center indicated in this certificate;

  2. Present the product along with the warranty certificate and proof of purchase;

  3. Allow the product to be diagnosed and evaluated by authorized specialists.

The repair will be carried out within a maximum of 15 calendar days from the date of the complaint registration, in accordance with the applicable legislation. If repair is not possible, the product will be replaced, or its value will be refunded.

Through this certificate, the manufacturer/distributor confirms that the specified product meets quality standards and is covered by the legal warranty.